Ketchum, Idaho
The City of Ketchum and the Wood River Land Trust took joint ownership and management responsibility for a 210.5 acre parcel of property along the Big Wood River. The Big Wood River offers trophy trout fishing and is highly utilized by fishermen, as well as kayakers through the summer months. The river presents a variety of natural assets as well as challenges in designing a long-term, sustainable master plan. Its banks are continually migrating through the river valley, carrying a significant amount of sediment and woody debris, particularly during the annual flood.
S2o Design assembled a team of experts to complete a River Park Master Plan study. The purpose of the study was to define recreational uses and users that were appropriate for the property and suggest improvements that could maximize the recreational value of the site while minimizing impact.
The River Park Master Plan includes both beginner and intermediate river channels containing whitewater features of varying difficulty; river bank stabilization, restoration and enhancement; aquatic and riparian habitat improvements; beach creation; parking improvements; public restrooms; picnic areas; a pedestrian bridge; river viewing areas; designated access areas; park-wide river trail access; and circulation enhancements.
The master plan was completed in the summer of 2012. Construction documents and project completion are currently on hold pending the outcome of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) completed by the S2o’s team.